Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Simple Core Workouts? There's an App for That!

Okay, so maybe there's like 75 million apps for that.

But with working at a gym, having Pilates DVDs at home, and knowing all the other cool stuff you can already do, why would I turn to an app for some core exercises?
Because sometimes you do want the basic & simple stuff. Sometimes at your gym it's too busy & everyone is hogging your equipment or space but you really want to get some abs in. And sometimes you don't really want to get out your DVD... or really do much of anything but you remind yourself: 10 minutes of abs is better than 10 minutes of no abs.

There are lots of free apps, and some paid ones. There have been one or two apps that I really liked the free version so much, that I upgraded to premium for like $2.99. Mind you though, I've probably easily tried at least 50 different exercise apps over the past few years, and that's not including all the other fitness related apps I've tried.

One of my favorites is called "Daily Workouts", which has individual exercises for body parts like your abs, legs, and chest along with cardio and full body workouts. With about 8 different exercises in a workout, you can choose levels 1 or 2 (level 3 is available on the full version) and length of time per workout, usually 5, 8 and 10 minutes, with 30, 45 and 60 seconds per exercise, respectively. Choose two levels for 5 minutes each and you'll have yourself a nice little burn after only 10 minutes, or double the time for 20! These are great to fit in just before bed or on your lunch break. I do these on my lunch break most Wednesdays (when my lunch falls into a very busy time period at my gym) so that's why I am sharing this today. :)

Search for other ab workout apps too: "Instant Abs," "Ab Workouts", "Daily Burn", and "Blogilates" are a few other good ones worth checking out that I currently have on my phone.

You can also, of course, make your own! Write down 10 different types of ab exercises, and challenge yourself to do each one for a certain length of time, like 30, 45 or 60 seconds.

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