Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Legs at Home

I like to have Leg Day twice a week. The past six months or so I've mostly been doing these at my work-gym on Tuesdays and Fridays. A couple months ago I stopped being scheduled Fridays and started slacking off a bit on my second day. In my defense though, Fridays became my run-errands-without-a-car-in-the-city days, and I'd clock in usually 12,000+ steps, so it wasn't a total wash. As I mentioned yesterday though, my gym is undergoing renovations, and I'm going to turn this negative into a positive by doing more of my workouts at home the next couple of months. Of course, this involves some planning ahead of time, because if I don't have a plan to exercise, I don't often turn it into a consistent habit. I know some of you feel me out there.

Let's focus on home strength exercises, minus any equipment for now. I'll add in some home workouts with some dumbbells & a stability ball in a week or so.
We all know the single most fabulous workout move in existence: the squat:

 Yes, those squats. They burn the most calories and make your legs look amazing no matter what your goals are. I love doing barbell squats at work with anywhere from 30-95lbs, but solo body weight still has top notch effects! Make your own personal squat challenge, or search from any one of the 81,375,012,875 different squat challenges on the interwebs today. Start off with 10 or 20 squats, and every few days add 5 more reps. If by the time you get to 50 it's too difficult to do them all at once (or even 25) it's okay to break them up in sections. Remember, the point of exercise first is to just DO IT!

Here's another squat challenge brought to you by PopSugar:

Want to add some cardio into your leg day? Try this one out:

You have FIVE MINUTES to spare, don't you? Or is 5 minutes not enough? Times this workout by 3 or 5 sets, or instead of 30 seconds, go for 45 or 60, or 90! I'll double the length of time, and do two sets next week and let you know how it goes:

I'm a fan of pyramid workouts too. Try this simple one & let me know how you like it!

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