Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Supplements - What Should You Take?

It's always best to get what you need from the most natural source possible: organic foods. Sometimes it's not always enough of what we need for one reason or another.

What's usually suggested for most people:
  • A multiviatmin to "catch all" - think of it like insurance. You SHOULD try to get all your nutrients through food, but a multi on a daily basis is good to have just in case.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - by fish oil supplements, or (like me) put flax-seed in various things like smoothies or baked goods. I like to grind them up first. If you're not getting at least 3 servings of Omega-3s a week, it's good to have a supplements for heart & metabolic heath.

Other great ones to take note of:
  • B Vitamins for energy & metabolism (B Complex, B12, B6, etc.)
  • Vitamin D if you're like me & can never get enough sun. Good for bone health.
  • Vitamin C for immunity
  • Calcium for bone & heart health
  • Fiber for digestive health (at least 25g+/ day for women & 30g+/day for men)

I'll share with you three supplements I take every day & why I take them:

#1 on my list: DHEA - 50mg.  I started taking this about 4 years ago when I was searching for natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals for depression & anxiety. DHEA is produced naturally in our bodies, but it is a steroid hormone. There have been many studies on DHEA for a wide variety of things, but most are inconclusive.

#2: Prenatal vitamin: No, I am not pregnant or looking to become any time soon. I take prenatals mostly as a multivitamin that has a higher iron content. I don't eat a lot of meat, and iron comes mostly from red meat. It comes from green veggies too, and although I eat a lot of those, I don't eat enough to get close to even half of my %DV.

#3: B12, 500mcg. Similar to why I don't get enough iron. I also don't consume much caffeine and B vitamins are a great source of energy.

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