Monday, July 7, 2014

Back on the Wagon

It's Monday, and if you are like most people in the United States this past weekend, you likely consumed an excessive amount of food (yum, BBQ!), more alcohol than you usually do (myself: went wine tasting with an old friend), and didn't stick to your usual workout routine (got out of bed at 3pm today.)

Even if you're not in the United States or even celebrated anything at all, you still had a weekend and most weekends you tell yourself you'll start working out Monday, or feel bad from everything you did or did not do the past 2 or 3 days. I'm telling you to NOT feel bad, to savor all that food & those memories (the ones you can remember), and no matter what happened yesterday or what may happen on Monday, tomorrow is ALWAYS a new day.

Personally, I believe in balance. If you are one of those alien creatures who have no problem working out & eating fabulous 365 days out of the year, good for you! But I don't believe those people exist so don't feel bad about not being one. The important thing for you is to take ownership. ALLOW yourself those occasional times to do and eat whatever you want, just as long as those "occasional times" aren't four days out of every week or every day after 3pm or something.

What I learned from my recent 10 Week Plan is that going hardcore for 10 weeks isn't for me, but 5 weeks is totally doable. I also learned things like I seriously need to stretch more because lifting weights & working out as much as I did needs its balance as well: It needs rest & sleep. Some people have a cheat meal once a week, some people take weekends off (just don't go so crazy all weekend that you ruin all your hard work from during the week), some people like to have long-term plans or goals and THEN reward themselves after.

Point being, it's more than okay to have pigged out last weekend, or even next weekend. Heck, it's even healthy and you should plan for it! Today is a new day, tomorrow is a new day - what are you doing to do with it?

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