Sunday, August 24, 2014

But I Want to Take All the Classes!

Today ends my first week of fall semester. I really wish instead of full time work & part time school I could do part time work & full time school. Or maybe just a boat load of school.

As tired, frazzled, and perpetually feeling like I'm running late this week has been, it's great to be back in school. I'm extremely happy being enrolled in my nutrition & psychology courses this semester.

But oh my lord, school book should NOT be so stressful to the point where they make your face break out. Seriously. Five pimples have roamed my face all week. Not little baby blackheads either. I think it should be against the law for school books to be this high. Half the national student debt is probably on books alone.

I found many great sites that rent books out fortunately. loans a $155 book at $40 for 125 days. Just in time to end your finals. Many places have free shipping & returns too. I encourage everyone to check book renting sites out.

This semester I'm taking two nutrition courses and one psychology course. I was going to take a health class, but I think it's a good thing that fell through. It's only the first week & I'm already behind! One of my books showed up this weekend & one of them hasn't even arrived yet. In addition to blogging about health, fitness, beauty and all that good stuff, you can learn more by learning along with me too. One of my assignments over the weekend was to find out my personality type; not for the psychology class, but for my nutrition class. It's an intro to the dietetics profession. Check out my result of the Meyers-Briggs based test & find yours out too!

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