Saturday, June 14, 2014

Forgive or Forget

It's the weekend (for most of you, some of us still have to work) and time to get happy! Being happy is healthy, and being healthy makes you happy, and then you feel good & look good & all that good stuff.

Forgiveness is a great thing to practice for your own health. Yes, go ahead & make forgiveness seem like a selfish act if you must. It will help you be happier in life, & in turn make you healthier. Holding grudges or any negativity never did anyone any good. 

Forgiving someone isn't saying that they are right. It's not saying that it did or didn't hurt you. Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself and to the world. I must sound like it's all peaches & cream easy for me, but it's not. Maybe it usually is eventually, but I know just as much as you or the next person how much they can hurt sometimes and seem impossible to get over.

They don't have to be sorry. They don't even have to know if you forgave them or not. Again, as selfish as it may seem, forgiveness really isn't mostly about the other person. Not the ones that really matter anyway. The ones that matter are the ones that keep you up at night, the ones that make everything else that comes after in your life seem bitter, the ones that make you sick to think about, the ones that either you can't stop talking about, or the ones that you can't even tell anyone about.

Forgiving does not mean forgetting, although most of the time we wish it would. It would be great if we can, but we should at least start with the first step.

Try and forgive every single person in your life that you think you need to. I've tried this myself. I've been hurt many times that some still at this very moment make me nauseated to think about. I've forgiven people that have done things I don't even want to repeat. I feel better, moving forward & being happy. I feel like I've forgiven everyone in my life except one last person, and I feel like I'm working on it every day to do that. I wish I could have done it a long time ago, but I have to trust that it will happen in the future & that I will be free from that negative emotion. Sometimes we don't understand, and sometimes maybe we don't have to. Like I said, I'm working on it. :)

Samantha Marie

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