Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Health and Happiness

The more I try to seek both, the more similar they seem. For the first part of my life I didn't really have much of either - caught every cold that went around, got bronchitis, strep throat, and whatever multiple times a year leaving me laid out for two weeks at a time. I was also not the happiest little girl for other reasons. For years, actually near three decades, none of this was abnormal for me.

That was a past life. My journey into this one was a foundation of health. Educating myself on nutrition and natural alternatives, trying to find reasons for specific things. Each step I took got me healthier, and when I was healthy enough - I was happy.

I hadn't really been happy before. I had happy moments, happy memories, and a lot of faking happiness. Being happy while you're actually healthy opens up a whole new door.

Over the past few years I've had the opportunity to talk with hundreds of people that want to be healthier. I worked at several gyms and fitness centers, I went back to school for nutrition, and spoke with family and friends on what we want out of life. Everyone has different situations - they want to lose weight, they drink a lot, they need to do something besides sit all day. Whatever it is, the similar thing that almost everyone has is common is that they're not really that healthy and their not really happy with who they are. But the more we work on their health - exercising regularly, eating better, doing meditation - the happier we become.

We don't treat ourselves well usually. We never have enough time. We rush to get things done. We eat food quickly. We drink too much. We talk down to ourselves in our heads.
What if we just stopped and said "I'm going to make the time to be healthy and happy for myself"?

We all need to do this, even the most busy ones of us. We need to find 30 minutes during the day to invest in our own health and happiness. No one ever regrets a workout. Everyone who does make the time on a regular basis feels happier overall, compared to those that don't. We'll get those 30 minutes back. We'll see clearer. We'll be  more organized. We're more productive, have more  motivation, are more positive, and can GIVE more to those we love and things we care about.

We need to help ourselves find our path to health and happiness, and help others find their happiness too.

I am here for you if you need me. :)

~ Samantha Marie

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