Here are four hair care reviews I've been hiding: A shampoo, a lengthening elixir, a hair mask & hair chalk.
Alterna Caviar Replenishing Moisture Shampoo
I was pretty happy with it. Only used a small amount each time, so I had maybe about 7 or 8 uses with it. It smelled great, and definitely did not give my hair the "stripped" feeling like with many other shampoos, even moisturizing ones. If you like to shampoo your hair but don't like the dried out feeling most shampoos give you, you'll probably love this. Worth the investment.
Alterna Caviar Repair Lengthening Hair & Scalp Elixir
Splat Hair Chalk
I bought this after I semi-recently dyed my hair pink, and then had a semi-unexpectedly job interview come up. I don't know what I was thinking. I do know that it wasn't worth the money & got all over everywhere - like chalk. I don't know why someone over the age of 13 would use this. If you're under the age of 13, find a cheaper solution to whatever you're trying to accomplish, because this thing is not worth the $6 box. Find some actual chalk & glitter & stick that in your hair. It would probably look cooler anyway.
Number 4 Reconstructing Masque

Yeah alterna is the most famous name in hair care. I also use alterna shampoo and Caviar Repair Lengthening Hair & Scalp Elixir. Both are great products. I am very happy with their results.