I don't really watch TV, and my Netflix watching is usually limited to an hour in the background before I go to sleep. For the days I "get" to stay home and do "nothing", I like to catch up on some documentaries, usually to feed the nerdy-health-person in me:
PlantPure Nation - The first one I picked, since it had to do with whole and organic foods, and I hadn't seen it yet. If you liked Food Matters, Forks Over Knives, or Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, you'll probably like this one. If you've ever heard of The China Study (the biggest & most in-depth study of food in relation to health ever done) the guy that wrote that is a main guy in this.
The Human Experiment - The effect of chemicals on/ in our bodies and in our environment. It helps explain a lot of disorders and diseases which are now common in our modern time that weren't before, and still aren't in some under-developed nations. Lots of focus on things like cancer and reproductive issues in both men and women.
*Cowspiracy - My top pick out of this lot to watch if I had to suggest one to see. It doesn't matter if you're a meat eater or vegan, an environmentalist or not, it's full of so much eye-opening information that I was not aware of, especially to that extent, and I like to view myself as someone who is normally at a higher conscious level than most. My reason for suggesting this to people isn't to try and change your mind either way, but to give you the information you should have to make informed decisions for yourself.
Supersize Me - The one where the guy goes 30 days eating Mc Donalds and his health statistics are monitored by various doctors along the way. Bottom line: Fast food is gross, it will make you throw up, and you really could die from eating junk food.
Sugar Coated - Very interesting (and at times frustrating) look at the effect of sugar not just in our bodies, but in our legal and judicial systems. Really crazy history here of the sugar industry over the last 50 or so especially. Will open your eyes to understand how and why foods are in our normal every day lives that we have a hard time escaping, even when we try.
Prescription Thugs - This one was a little personal for me, given my past experience during the years I was sick on medications prescribed to me that made me worse and not better. Watching this may make you frustrated or sad if you or a loved one has gone through any issues of being prescribed medicine that wasn't helpful to you, or if you or someone you know has been addicted to prescription medication. Or... if you are just taking what you believe is a harmless prescription anyway.