It's inevitable: Even the healthiest people get sick on occasion. Somehow this basic logic is lost on me anytime I fall ill for more than two days.
Here I am, sick in bed on a Tuesday. I attempted going to work yesterday after being laid out all weekend long with what started as a minor sore throat on Thursday. Going to work yesterday was not the brightest idea my stubborn self has had. I figured I rarely get sick, I'm healthy, you're not contagious after two days, you're not sick longer than two days, people depend on you, it's in your head...
The latter thoughts opened up the realization of underlying issues I have with just the thought of being sick - even if it's just a cold, or whatever god-awful plague upon the Seven Kingdoms I seemed to have picked up this past week. It's the constant subconscious fear of ever being sick the way I was for a solid three years of my life. Everything I've done since then is a passionate sprint to get as far away as I can from the possibility of that happening again - I've worked over two years at a gym which I am a manager in, I went back to school and began studying nutrition more, and I started this Natural Beauty and Body blog.
Yet somehow I seem to turn to dark thoughts that I did something wrong, that I could have done or can do better, that it's my fault I'm sick and I need to snap out of it. Logically I know that everyone gets sick from time to time, but it's like a phobia; after one really bad camping experience you are terrified of spiders forever.
We always seem to be able to give out great advice that ourselves have a hard time taking. At work when I'm about to stress out on something, I think, "What have I or would I tell my manager if they were in this position?" Get rest. Eat healthy. Drink fluids. Take your vitamins. The real world will still be waiting for you to stress out and work 10 hour days when you are feeling much better.